Breadcrumb parser

We want to display a breadcrumb for items that belong to a menu. Thus we need to use the item that we are displaying at the root of our path and walk up to the menu it belongs to. We need to produce a path for each items of the breadcrumb so that the visitors of the website could click on items of the breadcrumb and navigate backwards.

    module.exports = (req, res, next) => {
        if(Object.keys(res).indexOf('data') != -1){
            //Building the breadcrumb array and sorting it
            const array = util.parseBreadcrumb(util.parentsToTree(,[0].parent_doc)).reverse();

            // Generate path value for each items
   = util.addBreadcrumbPath(array,[0]); 


The middleware works almost like the menuParser. First the breadcrumb tree or path is created, then we add a property to the object: childSlug. We could have stopped there, but we have added an additional step which adds path property to each item in the tree structure. This is a necessary step if you want to add menu items in the path, as the path need to be different.

    parentsToTree: (items, startId) => {
        let tree = [] => {

            if(i._doc == startId && !i.root) {
                const parent = self.parentsToTree(items,
                    i.path = parent;

        return tree;

Here we iterate each items and we go from the sartId to the item before the root. In our case the root item is our Main Menu item. Remember it has a property root set to true. We then walk up the tree recursively.

    parseBreadcrumb: (path) => {
        return path.reduce((a, i) => {
            const {title, slug} = i;
            const childSlug = i[i.contentType].slug;
            a = a.concat({title, slug, childSlug });
            if (i.path) {
                a = a.concat(self.parseBreadcrumb(i.path));
                i.path = [];
            return a;
        }, []);

The reduction here although it might l like black magic is quite simple. We want to reduce our data object to the strict minimum required for the breadcrumb. It is again recursive. The array.reduce() takes a callback and an initial value. The initial value is an empty array. The callback has two parameters: acc, i. They stand for accumulator, item (current item). You can pass two more parameters: the current key and the original array. We do not need those.

From the current item we extract by destructuring the title and the slug. We then recuperate the childSlug located in the article or category property that was nicely mapped for us by Cloud CMS's _relator. We then add all those three reduced values to the accumulator.

We check if the item has a path property (this was added by the method parentsToTree()) if it is the case we follow it and parse the children recursively.

The middleware calls addBreadcrumPath(). In our case it does not do much... it just adds a / in front of the slug, but it is more useful for if you want the menu items to be visible in the path. Check the commented code.

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